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Our Story

We aren’t anything too special. No impressive college degrees or fancy education backgrounds. We simply practice what we preach. We are normal people like you with big goals and big dreams. We teach people how to get in shape & stay there despite their busy lives, just like we did. Just a couple of lost people searching for answers at a local Planet Fitness. Hitting the gym every morning before our 9 - 5’s. Brought together by God for a specific purpose. For a specific reason. He knew that by bringing us together, by helping us, we would then have the opportunity to help millions of people. 

You see, things don’t happen to you. They happen for you. Whatever is going on in your life right now, is happening for you. The struggles you go through, you grow through. You rarely fail, you simply learn. The only time you truly fail is when you give up. 

We didn't always think like this. We had to learn it. We had to go through the storm in order to get to the other side. We had to learn, practice, and face our problems and lacking areas to perfect our craft. Let’s start this section off with a quick story about the cow and the buffalo.

A cow and a buffalo are hanging out in a field. Suddenly a storm is brewing in the sky, heading their way. The buffalo decides to face his fears and head straight into the storm. He gets rained on and is miserable for a little while. The cow decided to run the opposite way, avoiding his problem. He is in the clear for a little bit, but what happens is the storm eventually catches up. The cow is now caught up in the storm, stuck in it. Meanwhile, the buffalo was in the storm for a little while but eventually made it through to the other side. He is now in the clear sunshine, living happily and peacefully. The cow is still miserable. Stuck in the slowly moving storm, heading in the same direction because he chose to run away from his problems instead of facing them head on.


You see, when you face your problems head on, when you attack your weak areas, when you do something you don’t necessarily want to do… but do it anyway, it may be tough at first. What happens is you eventually get through the tough part, you get through the storm and come out on the other side stronger. More knowledgeable than before. 

When you run from your problems, you end up getting away at first. You’re comfortable for a while. What happens is, they eventually catch up to you at some point. You may end up actually creating more problems in the long run. You accumulate these problems and all of a sudden you’re stuck in misery, and can’t get out. You now try to tackle these problems, except it’s harder than before because it built up over the years of you running away from them.

We want you to know that we understand you may be in a tough situation. You may have a lot of problems. A lot of roadblocks. A lot of obstacles. So did we. We now teach people how to get in shape and stay there, despite having problems. Despite the roadblocks. Despite setbacks. Despite years of running.


Understand that at any point, you have the option to start creating the life you wish to live. Let’s get into the story of Sean and Grace Borden. Where they came from, what they’ve gone through, and where they are today.

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Hi guys, my name is Sean William Borden. Thank you so much for your interest in us, and hopefully, we can meet soon! Here is my story of how I became who I am today.


I grew up with 1 older brother and a bumpy childhood. Like a lot of kids, my parents got divorced when I was young. My brother and I switched schools a few times, lived with my grandparents for a while, and lived in a few different apartments… but by middle school my parents got back together and we lived in a small townhouse. Things settled down a bit, and we stayed in the same school district from middle school to high school.


I was a very athletic, competitive, and confident kid. I played multiple sports throughout my school years and did very well. My childhood dream was to always become a professional athlete. I had a few injuries and a few setbacks, but that never stopped me. After graduating high school, I attended Rosemont College. I picked Rosemont because the head coach showed real interest in me. I played division 3 soccer, got my name in the record books, and got the full college experience. After finishing 1 soccer season at Rosemont, I decided to transfer back home to finish out the school year at Millersville University. Rosemont didn’t feel like home, and it was super boring when soccer wasn’t in season. After moving home, I did not know what I wanted to do with my life at this point. I did not have a major in school or even thought about what “job” I wanted, let alone a career. Like a lot of teenagers, I simply attended college because that's what all of my friends were doing, and I wanted to continue playing sports. 

After moving back home with my parents, not having any sports to play, no friends around, and no purpose or direction in life, I was gifted a Planet Fitness membership. I started going to the gym by myself, learning day by day. Learning by trial and error. I was always a skinny kid from all that running and playing soccer. My main goal was to build muscle and add size. After a few months of consistency and seeing some results, the gym quickly became a passion of mine. I ended up dropping out of college to work behind the Planet Fitness counter for $8.00 / hour. 


I was not worried because I was happy, and knew I was on the right path. You could imagine how I felt though. Going from being a superstar athlete all my life to no one knowing my name or who I was. While making $8.00 / hour as a Planet Fitness front desk associate, I observed the current trainer and thought that would be a perfect career for me. To help people feel and look better through exercise and nutrition! I wanted to teach people how to get results in the gym.

I quickly dug into personal training and got my certification through ISSA. I got hired as an in-person trainer at Planet Fitness and began teaching people my method! I felt like I wasn’t working a day in my life because I loved what I was doing. I was changing people's lives and building positive relationships! There aren’t words to describe that feeling. 


For the next 4 years, I spent my days helping people become healthier, stronger, and happier. I also became healthier, stronger, and happier. I loved building relationships with clients and seeing them succeed. I had been working on becoming the best possible version of myself. Which led him to meet the best possible person for me. Grace :) 

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Hi everyone, my name is Grace - Christine Borden. Thank you for visiting our page! My hope is that you feel comfort and trust in us to help you overcome your battles while reaching your goals. 


A little about myself is that I have been blessed to have an amazing son and very loving husband. I have been in the dental field for 15 years and I love being able to give back patients their smile :) I have also become a personal trainer since starting my personal self-healing journey 5 years ago.


My journey started when I was having my own health and mental concerns. I decided I needed to change my bad habits and started with my diet. Soon after, I started going to gym to work out and it has completely changed my life. I fell in love with the process of healing myself and becoming stronger. I can tell you that I was feeling like a broken women at the time I started this for myself. I had difficulty trusting others, had a low self-esteem, with a history of traumatic experiences.


My goal has always been to live life to the fullest and to always better myself in all aspects of my life. I have wasted a lot of my life feeling sad, worried and just getting through my day. Once I started my journey going to the gym, that experience has opened other doors in learning how to overcome so much more.


Now, as a personal trainer, not only do I get to do what I love to do but I also get to help others change their lives as well. Training does so much more than changing your physical appearance. You'll feel empowered, have self-confidence, see improvement in brain health, reduce the risk of diseases, and strengthen your bones and muscles to improve your ability to do everyday activities.


Let us help you overcome the struggles that are holding you back from becoming the best version of yourself. I have been through the same struggles. We all must start somewhere. Sean and I would love to help you. :)

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