Expect to reach your goal and surpass it.
Expect to surprise yourself and take this further than you thought.
Expect to struggle.
Expect to doubt yourself.
Expect to think you aren’t cut out for this.
Expect to think about quitting.
These are all average human thoughts. Except … you aren’t average anymore if you take action.
Expect to overcome your struggles and succeed. When you fully commit and believe in yourself and this program, you will succeed. When you take the daily actions required, you will succeed.
How do we know? We’ve done it ourselves. We would never ask you to do something that we haven’t done ourselves. We have taken these last 4 years to chase our dreams together while both working full time jobs, with a 10 year old son. We have studied in our free time, learned, and grown immensely as individuals and as a couple. We have done the work, made positive habits in our lives, and are getting closer and closer to our desired goal.
We believe our purpose on this earth is to make a difference in people's lives by helping them understand what it is they need to do, in order to live happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives through fitness & nutrition. We help people find their own purpose on this earth. We believe there is much more to life than working a job you dislike, for a certain amount of money each year. We were all born to do something great with our lives. We were all born with a higher purpose.
We were inspired to create Body By Borden by achieving the results ourselves, to then pass it on and teach others how to achieve their desired goals.
What we do is we help ordinary people, get extraordinary and long term results. We help anybody on this earth regardless of race, religion, color, creed and sexual orientation. We create strength training programs & nutrition plans that are sustainable that any human being can do.